Are You Owed Overtime Pay?

Ron Poliquin, The Fair Labor Standards Act entitles you to time and a half if you work over 40 hours a week unless you’re an exempt employee. It’s probably one of the most abused and violated employment laws in the country.

We’re going to go over some misclassifications as far as who’s likely to be owed overtime and you’re not getting paid overtime. So, in the tradition of Jeff Foxworthy, he tells those ‘you might be a redneck joke’, well we’re going to tell a listing of ‘you might be paid overtime’. So instead of it might be a redneck, you might be owed overtime.

If you’re a manager but you don’t manage anything, you do everything everyone else does you are probably owed overtime. These fake manager exemptions say they classify employees as managers or assistant managers when their job duties are essentially the same as the employees who supposedly work for them. Always be careful of the title shift supervisor, that’s always a red flag for somebody that is basically in charge of nothing and it’s probably owed overtime.

If you get paid a salary of less than four hundred fifty-five dollars a week, per the Fair Labor Standards Act ad you work over forty hours a week you’re probably owed overtime. If you’re required or expected to work off the clock, meaning you’re working 15 minutes before you clock or 15 minutes after you clock out sometimes this becomes part of the work culture, you’re probably owed overtime.

If you’re required or expected to work through unpaid rest or meal breaks, you’re probably owed overtime. If you’re required or expected to do extra work at home, like you bring a bunch of work home and you’re not compensated, you’re probably owed overtime.

If you take a lot of time to put on and take off protective gear and clothing at the worksite and aren’t paid for it, you are probably owed overtime. If you’re required to report to a particular location, like you’re transported or you drive to work and then you’re transported to another worksite and you’re not paid for that time, you’re probably owed overtime. If you’re not paid for training and other mandatory activities, you’re probably owed overtime.

These are mandatory laws you are owed the time that you work, and you are owed time and a half if you work over 40 hours a week and you’re not listed under the exemptions. So be educated and find out what you need to find out. If you are under this list be sure to look further to see if you’re owed overtime., Thank you!

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